Frantik Girl
Friday, January 02, 2004
Write, Damnit

It is the second of January, and I already feel like the year is slipping away. There are so many DVDs to watch, games to play, things to eat... all those things I shouldn't do, for they are sinful and bad. I have work to do, and sloth is unbecoming of someone who wants to become a professional novelist.

So what's wrong with me? It's concievable that my lack of Puritanical work ethic is biting me in the butt. However, I think on a deeper level... those things I mentioned above (DVDs, games, food) are entertaining; whereas I am completely uninspired by my own writing. I'm past the exciting "getting to know you" phase of my relationship with this novel and have entered the "building a relationship is hard" drudgery. Writing this novel is work, and I do so hate work.

Inertia works two ways: it takes energy to move an object when it's sitting still and it takes energy to stop an object if it's already moving. If I grit my teeth, wash my hair and expend the energy, I can move again. I'll start with a light yoga workout.

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