Thursday, December 18, 2003
It's that time again. Time for me to wring my hands and worry: who am I obligated to give presents to this year? And what presents should I give people, seeing as I'm unemployed and running out of old, hand made pottery?
The first question has everything to do with who, to my knowledge, is giving ME presents. Not including my mom, if I am given a present, I must give one in return or else I feel like a slimy, worthless piece of crap who deserves to be dragged through the mud behind a draft horse with diarrhea. There are also people who are doing me favors, like watching my cats during my trip to California... Are they deserving of gifts? Or just hard cash?
Then once I've figured out who should get a present, the question becomes, what shall I give them? If you're living on the cheap, then giving a gift that suits the individuality of the recipient and shows that you love them and pay attention to their wants and needs is nearly impossible. So you're left with either giving things around your house that you no longer want, or buying everyone a box of medium priced chocolates. I lean toward the chocolates anyway... No one I know needs more crap lying around their homes.
I don't like giving gifts. If I had money, then I could be magnanimous, and show my friends grand gestures of generosity that would shock and amaze them... Like buying everyone ponies, or houses in Conneticut. But until that time, don't be shocked if you get a Whitman Sampler.