Frantik Girl
Thursday, June 19, 2003
Another Job at an End

So they're ending my current temp job a few weeks early. That's OK with me. I can sleep in past 8 and hug my cats without having to worry about cat hair on black pants. The job was pretty damn good though. Sure I was working for the pinky finger of a massive, Bush-licking oil mulitnational... I sent next day letters to Hong Kong and South Korea for god's sake. But I was making $12 an hour to warm the receptionist chair and answer the phone once or twice while I write my novel and play solitare. Hey, that's the beauty of trickle down economics.

I'll tell you what bothers me about this early dismissal. I think they've ended my assignment just so they don't have to invite me to the company picnic.

I know... I'm horrified too. This picnic is to be held in two weeks to celebrate the company's move to Everett (why would anyone celebrate moving to Everett... must be an oil company thing) and it sounds like volleyball, possibly softball will be involved. As usual for affluent Seattle companies, it will be held at Golden Gardens. In the spirit of sour grapes, I hope the weather spites them and gives them golden showers.
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